Wednesday, 9 January 2013

My Review of 20,000 days and counting by Robert D. Smith

There are some books you hope you read early in life and this is one of them.
The reason is quite obvious. This is one of those books which you need to help gain proper perspective before you start that new pace for life

Robert makes no pretensions about what he setting out to achieve - we need to set out to living a life full of meaning and achievement.
The value of a life well lived is not to be measured by the longevity of living but by the quality of meaning & achievement put in it.

As he puts it, "don't focus on time, but on events themselves. When you control the event, you control your life. Fill these events with people you love. Relationships will be enhanced and memories created"
Don't dally on the shores but be ready to take the leap into the plans you've always wanted.

The quotes that come with each chapter are well thought of and reflect the overarching theme for the book. It is only fitting that I close this with one of such – “Time is the one thing we possess. Our success depends upon the use of our time, and its by-product, the odd moment” Arthur Brisbaneu