Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Dreams for our country

Despite our differing preferences during the last Presidential Elections, we should all be united in this common desire - NIGERIA SHOULD BECOME BETTER.

Some who didnot vote for the Goodluck ticket wish for an uneventful and failed 4-year term. I really wish we could take national passion ahead of personal vindication. It is nobody's interest if the nation regresses - we are get better if the country gets better.

i know some have expressed reservation about the decision making capabilty of the president and the cohorts he surrounds himself with. Despite these reservations, we should be ready to play our part in the journey towards national rebirth.

Knowing what we know from him almost 1 year in office after taking over from Late President Yar Adua,we serve the interest of our nation by not only going about our daily work but also taking action to stir up the national conscience. We must not be silent-our voice must be heart.

And just perhaps, we might be able to bring our country to Uhuru.

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